Array of innovative health & safety solutions that meet regulatory and inter-company requirements. Our occupational safety specialists developed Germany’s most extensively used Health, Safety & Environment Software.
coordinates the services bellow while following your needs. We tailor BGM to target the promotion of employees’ physical and mental health and performance.
As a key component of comprehensive occupational health management, a coordinated concept of health-promoting measures can strengthen your employees' health resources and performance.
Ein durchdachtes Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement ist die Basis für eine leistungsfähige und gesunde Belegschaft. HSC koordiniert Ihre gesundheitsfördernden Maßnahmen abgestimmt auf die Bedürfnisse Ihres Unternehmens. Dabei legen wir Wert auf eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung der körperlichen und psychischen Gesundheit und der sozialen Prozesse Ihrer Mitarbeitenden.
Gesetzlich verpflichtender Schutz der Beschäftigten vor arbeitsbedingten Gefährdungen. Die wichtigsten Grundlagen für den betrieblichen Arbeitsschutz bilden das Arbeitsschutzgesetz (ArbSchG), das Arbeitssicherheitsgesetz (ASiG), die Unfallverhütungsvorschriften der DGUV und die Arbeitsmedizinische Vorsorgeverordnung.
coordinates the services bellow while following your needs. We tailor BGM to target the promotion of employees’ physical and mental health and performance.
Be proactive and support the most precious asset you have: your staff.
Yes! All employers must comply with the Occupational Safety Act (ASIG) and the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) Regulations.
Absolutely! Healthy employees are happy employees. Furthermore, the costs of preventive care are small compared to the costs of prolonged absence.
Occupational medicine doctors deliver professional clinical care and counsel to employers and employees in matters of prevention and assessment of work-related health issues.
Our occupational physician will assist you in setting up a workplace that promotes your employees’ health while also allowing you to comply with regulatory requirements.
Arbeitsmedizinisches Zentrum Nord
Annika Brehm
Head of Department Occupational Medicine
040 – 22 616 35 20
Have you received mail from the employers’ liability insurance association or the authorities?
Regulations and safety standards governing the development and use of AI now being delivered by HSC Nord eLearningHSC Nord keeps up with the ever-changing legal regulations, guaranteeingcompliance to its clients. Today, we are addressing the first comprehensiveregulatory framework regarding the ethical use of artificial intelligence acrossthe European Union. We will provide clear guidelines for ensuring […]
Reach 100% of the staff! Organizations must provide workers with timely and appropriate safety andworkplace-specific #training, especially when onboarding employees. Also, whenever newtechnology or service is introduced, new training is organized to ensure teams arewell-informed, safe, and supported. What is associated with these #instructionimplementations are tedious written documentation and the high planning costs of livelectures […]
Why does HSC opt for #role-based access control❓Role-based access control, or RBAC, is a paradigm for granting end-users access toplatforms, apps, and data according to their predetermined position within thecompany. User roles provide the bare minimum of authority required to complete anassignment. Prior to defining which rights user roles would contain, companies mustdefine the roles […]